For me, right now, the hardest part of being a writer is trusting myself.
It's hard not to second guess my decisions on how I'm writing my story. I often wonder if I've got enough tension, do my characters motivations ring true, is my pacing fast enough. Do I have the right POV. This has been my biggest worry lately. I have been having a hard time deciding what is the best way to tell my story. It's been about a month of going back and forth, but I think I've finally decided and now I just have to quite second guessing and go with it.
What about you - is there anything you've been second guessing lately.
I'm second guessing whether I've picked the right protagonist for my current WIP. I totally know what you mean about going back and forth!
I go through swings of second guessing everything! And other days being happy with everything!
Don't second guess--that's what editing is for. :)
I agree with Connie. Just write it all down. THEN fix what you think needs fixing. The two greatest words you will ever write are The End.
Can second guesses turn into twenty-second guesses? I'm always second guessing myself. But that's the life of a writer! =)
I agree with Connie who said that's what editing is for. But also what crit partners and beta readers are for too! They will always be able to tell what works, what doesn't and usually always why! So don't second guess. Write what you want! (easier said than done. ;)
I've been second guessing where my WIP is going. I think I've finally figured it out, but we'll see if it changes again...
Yes, everything! Right now, I'm plagued with perfectionism.
All of it. Oh, it's been hard of late, Patti. Second guessing my voice, my style, the premise, ack. All of it.
This is where we have to give ourselves the biggest pep talk ever, and push through. (So much easier said than done, though...)
It's good to just go with it, get it written, then go back and decide if something needs to be changed. Second guessing can be too distracting to getting the writing done. I tend to second guess about why I don't have inspiration to write many times and need to spend more effort on finding that inspiration.
Ugh, yes. I've been really wondering if the controversial subject I picked for my new WIP is too controversial. And I've been trying to tone it down! LOL
I went through a period awhile back where all I did was second guess myself. It took me awhile to gain back my confidence, but I';m there now!
This is EXACTLY what I am facing right now. And it has caused a major stop up in my writing. I am actually going to post on this on Wednesday. It's a huge hurdle for most writers I think.
YES! Whether my story is original enough. That's my reoccurring question.
My Blog
I know it's really hard, but I think you should quit second guessing yourself.
I'm second-guessing my decision to move from an apartment to a house! ;-)
Aww, not really. I'm excited. I'm just really, really tired of living between two places!
Which project I should work on. I've been bouncing around and not immersing myself in any one thing. It's starting to make me crazy.
Just get the story down. THEN you can think about it when you're chasing that ball up and down the field. Well, that's how I do it. Unfortunately that means I get the first draft down quick, but the rest takes a while...
No more second guessing. It's time to put it out there, Patty. Go for it.
Ugh second guessing ourselves is a killer. It's hard to get into a head space where it doesn't happen, but we have to keep pushing to get there.
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I was JUST feeling this way this morning!! Sometimes I feel on top of the world with my writing, and other times I just second guess every aspect of it.
I don't know if I could even pinpoint one thing. If I could, I'd know where to focus revisions. At the moment, it just seems overwhelmingly stinky. :)
I second guess myself constantly. It makes for slow writing.
I'd like to call second guessing 'evaluating.' And I do that lots!
I participated in a critique workshop last Saturday and learned that I had been second guessing who I am as a writer. I was trying to fit the mold "romance writer" when I am really a "women's fiction" writer, all to please various agents I had pitched to. Those days are gone! As I work on my revision, I am returning to the story I set out to tell in the first place. What a relief! I blogged about my experience on Sunday. If you find a minute, I hope you will hop over and read it. I am pleased to "meet" you, and look forward to following your progress!
I second guess everything too. Right now I'm trying to write a short story and I am wondering if I'm doing it the "right" or best way possible. I suppose that's what my crit group is for but it's hard to not second guess sometimes.
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