Actually my favorite thing is watching my kids play basketball.
Last week, I watched my daughter play her first play off game, ever and she was so excited. They won and are going to the gold medal game, which she is sure she's going to win because their uniforms are gold.
I absolutely love watching both of my boys play. I cheer their awesome plays and feel heartache when they make a mistake.
Two weeks ago, we didn't have any games because the kids were on a school break and we honestly didn't know what to do do with ourselves. So instead of complaining that we have four games to go to this weekend, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.
How about you? Is there anything you enjoy watching your kids do? Or what's your favorite thing this week?
I enjoyed going to my daughters first ever track meet this week. It was so fun. I never would have thought I would call a track meet fun - but it was :)
I enjoy opening my daughters bed room door and seeing her study. That makes me happy. Lol
I love sitting on the sofa and watching a DVD with them.
Create. Paint. I like how their tongues stick out inside their cheeks and to see their eyes go all big when they're proud of their work.
~ Wendy
I always enjoy walking with my daughters. We walk often, and those walks are about so much more than walking, they mean a lot to us.
My son's high school baseball games start today. And I've been complaining because it's an away double-header--long drive, late night, etc. Then I woke up sick this morning, and I'm so disappointed that I can't go to the games. Guess I learned my lesson about complaining...
Great post pal! I enjoy watching Christopher read and realizing I taught him. It means just a tad more than the other kids, because he is leaning disabled.
I also love watching Ivy ride horses and jump higher jumps on her horse Saber. They're almost up to three feet now.
Obviously every inch the proud mom. My favourite thing this week was last night (Thursday) ...... the only night since Saturday that I've spent with my husband.
I enjoy watching my kids play sports too. My #1 and #2 like to swim butterfly, which I think is the prettiest and most difficult stroke, so I can't help but beam with pride as they "fly" down the lane. Ironically, I'm actually looking forward to the weekend because we DON'T have a single sporting event. I need some rest!
Play nicely together. Does that count?
I love watching my daughters playing together - they are such great friends, even now they are teens.
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