Which means one thing, resolutions.
I have six.
1. I want to spend more time doing and less time thinking.
Okay, I'll probably still do a lot of thinking, but I want to be doing the things I'm thinking about a lot more. For example; I will stop thinking about getting in shape and just do it. I will stop thinking about querying and just finish my book and do it.
2. I won't feel guilty when I can't get everything done in one day.
I work three days a week, so I spend two days a week doing everything. Cleaning, grocery shopping, visiting my family, exercising, did I mention cleaning. I don't want to feel like a failure when I don't get the laundry done on my day off, or the dishes for that matter.
3. I want to read more books of all different genres.
I read a great post by Kristen Lamb. She talked about the difference between writers and hobbyists and one of the main things was reading and I've been neglecting that part of being a writer.
4. I'm going to exercise and get to my goal wait by the time I turn 40 at the end of December.
Yes, I turn 40 in four months and yes, this is a very stereotypical resolution, but I'd rather do it now than in January. Actually I plan to lose five extra pounds, so I can eat whatever I want at Christmas.
5. I want to be comfortable in my own skin.
I am not a fancy dancy girl. I have tried to be, but it just doesn't feel right. I don't wear heels, I barely wear make up and my dream outfit is a pair of well worn jeans and a white t-shirt. I'm tired of trying to be someone I'm not, so I'm going to try to be me in life and in my writing.
6. I will not buy anything new for myself for four months.
This is a hard one for me, because I am kind of clothes horse. The last time I did this was the first four months I was married and we were starving students. This one I think might even be harder than losing weight. Actually, I'm going to start this one of the 2nd, because I have to buy Paranormalcy by Kiersten White tomorrow.
So that's it. I'm sure I could think of a lot more, (like spend more time with family and but those will have to wait til next September.
I agree sept. is a lot like Jan. A fresh start. A new season. A great time for goals!
Bless you:) I want to second these resolutions for myself.
I want all these things too. Well, except hitting my goal weight by the time I turn 40. That day has come and gone. I think I'll shoot for Christmas. Best of luck with all your goals.
Great resolutions. I so need to branch out into other genres. I also need to get in shape. In fact, there are a lot of things I need to do. I'll keep plugging away and see how life goes!
Hi Patti-
This is awesome... and September is the PERFECT time for resolutions. AND, I love your idea of losing 5 extra pounds BEFORE the holidays so you can eat whatever you want and still be at your goal wait in January. Nice call.
I need to do #3 more. I always get books from the library and then end up never finishing them for one reason or another (I'm ridiculously picky reader).
While I don't really need to lose any weight, I should be exercising just so I'm not running out of breath doing simple things.
You're almost making me go find my jogging shoes.
I definitely want to do more and think less:)
Oh! This is making me want to start a list for myself. I love some of your goals, especially the one about not hating yourself for not getting everything done in one day. That's perfect. :)
Thanks for everyone's comment. I'm beginning to think I'll make this a yearly tradition and forego January.
"I'm going to try to be me in life and in my writing" --I love that. I want to try harder at this too. When we start comparing ourselves or our writing to others it never ends well. Good luck with your goals. You can do it!
I am loving this post. Comfort in my own skin. That's a hard one for me, Patti. But I will try all these with you. Let's hope we're successful at them all. I home-school so I already spend a lot of time with the family. But I need quality time. Not just school work. :) Next September for that then? ;)
Those are awesome goals! I love it! I need to make some of my own. =)
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