It's a known fact that when women are with their friends they eat 20% more.
It's a known fact that when you have well hydrated women athletes there's a line up for the bathroom.
It's a known fact that shopping malls love women's weekends away.
It's a known fact that when 16 women get together in one hotel room, they can sound like a small jet plane.
It's a known fact that unless someone in the car navigating, women will get lost.
It's a known fact that men rebound from being taken down at the knees a lot faster than women.
It's a known fact that three games of soccer in three days is hard on anyone's body, let alone women over 35.
It's a known fact that coaches get nervous too.
It's a known fact that gold is thought to be better than silver, but I think I like silver the best.
Had a great weekend with a wonderful team who played their absolute hardest, became even closer friends, and had the time of our lives.
Thanks ladies.
Congratulations! I had to do a double take when I saw your medal. Football or soccer? Yes, I suppose in some parts of the world football is soccer.
And yes, bite the bullet so I can follow you.
Congratulations! Sounds like fun, too. I admire women who still play sports. One of my good friends is on a soccer team, and she loves it.
Sounds like a ton of fun. I'm jealous.
"It's a known fact that men rebound from being taken down at the knees a lot faster than women." - this is not true for International soccer, though. Those guys act like they've been shot when they get a little bump.
Congratulations! Good for you!
Jessie: I couldn't find a good photo that had soccer on it and I'll bite the bullet as soon as I figure out how to do it.
Susan: Women's sports are awesome, expect when you all line up for the bathroom, for the pre-game nervous pee.
LW: That is true, but we also played against a team in the gold medal match that spent more time on the ground than on their feet.
Jennifer: Thanks.
Congratulations! I'm super impressed by adult organized sports too. I haven't played soccer since kindergarten.
Congrats! What a fun post! I'm in awe that you do this! (I'm still creaking from my trip to the gym this morning!)
Natalie: I hadn't played soccer since I was in grade 7 and started again when I was 30.
Heidi: Trust me I'm totally creaking this morning.
Haha! Great post! :) and congratulations! Yay Silver! :)
Jenn: thanks, it was a hard fought one. I have the bruises to show for it.
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