Have you ever said you'd do something months in advance and then when the day arrives you wonder what the heck you were thinking.
I can imagine some people who sign up for a marathon would feel this way, or if you decided to go back to school after you're married with three children.
For me it was a in person critique group.
In May my local SCBWI chapter put out a notice that they were going to start an in person critique group. I thought it was a great idea and promptly sent an email expressing my interest.
Fast forward three months.
Last Monday I got an email from
Angela Ackerman (aka Bookshelf Muse) that we would be starting this week. I can't tell you how many excuses went through my head.
Then two days before we met I decided if I really want to be a writer, I needed to try this.
I have to admit I wasn't nervous about getting my own writing critiqued, I just didn't know if I had anything to offer other people. And really it's one thing to offer feedback in an email, quite another to look at them while you're doing it.
But I went... and you know what? It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Angela was a great host and I learned a ton by reading other people's work. So I'm excited about this critique group. It may be just the thing that motivates me to write more than I have been lately.
What about you? Do you do most of your critiquing face to face or with your computer? Which do you prefer?