Actually I'm not talking about you, but your kids, if you have them. We all know it's hard to write with a family. The question is: Is it easier to write when you have younger kids or older kids.
I thought I’d list some pros and cons to writing when you have older kids as opposed to younger kids.
Older kids (mine are 7, 11 and almost 14)Pro: I don’t need to watch them constantly.
Pro: They can make their own lunch, although that rarely happens.
Pro: Sometimes they’ll read what you’ve written.
Pro: They go to school all day. For me those days start again in September.
Pro: They can help clean, although it is like pulling teeth.
Pro: If you ask nicely they might leave you alone for like half an hour.
Pro: I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night anymore.
Con: They don’t nap anymore.
Con: They go to bed later, especially during the summer. Last night, for the first time ever, I went to bed early than my kids.
Con: You have to listen to them talk about video games. (maybe that one is for boys only)
Con: You spend more time worrying about them; the choices they make, who their friends are, and what sort of things they're hearing at school.
Con: There’s homework, basketball games, football practices, gymnastics, swimming lessons etc.
Con: They know how to make you feel guilty for spending all of your time on the computer.
Younger Kids (preschool and younger)
Pro: They typically nap.
Pro: They typically go to bed early.
Pro: Sometimes you can put on Sesame Street and you’re good for an hour.
Con: They demand a lot of attention.
Con: You have to change diapers.
Con: You have to make sure they’re not getting into the toilet or falling down the stairs.
Con: They wake up in the middle of the night and way too early to allow their parents to function the next day.
Con: Did I talk about having to change diapers.
Okay honestly I’m sure there are a lot more pros and cons, but it’s been too long and I can’t think of anymore. Did I mention I have a really bad memory.
What do you think? Do you think it would be easier to write if you have younger kids or older ones? What do you see as your pros or cons.