Monday, January 26, 2009

Time - Where does it go?

Time seems to be way more precious the older I get. I find I’m choosier about the way I spend it, although there are still times when I waste it.

My week is spent at basketball practices, soccer practices (my own), soccer games, basketball games, cubs, scouts, and gymnastics. I also work three days a week at a Forensic Engineering firm so my weeks seem to fly by.

I find I don’t do write well when I only have twenty minutes here and fifteen minutes there. I need a good hour so I can get into a rhythm, which only can be had when my kids go to bed or on my days off. Since my days off are often spent cleaning house, doing errands and attending soccer skills I don’t have a lot of time.

Here I am writing this blog when I should be writing but I’m putting my kids to bed in ten minutes so I figure why get started when I’ll just have to stop soon. So I’ll be burning some midnight oil because I don’t have to work tomorrow although I do have to volunteer so there’s three hours gone then my niece wants to go grad dress shopping then it’s the kids homework then I have a soccer game. Time, time, time where does it go.

Anyway I’m trying to finish off the editing, mostly going through and making notes on each chapter what isn’t consistent and what needs to be added. Right now I’m trying to decide whether to reveal a certain secret and I’m leaning towards doing it. I’ll try it out and see how it reads.

That’s it for now


Holly Kennedy said...

I relate -- not enuff hours in the day. My eyes are burning this morning from lack of sleep and I'm waaaay behind on my manuscript.
Life's one big juggle, isn't it?

Jessie Oliveros said...

I love the premise of your book-the whole hidden people thing is fascinating, especially with your own ancestral connection to them. I'm excited for you. I'm excited for me to read it...if it gets published (fingers crossed).

Anonymous said...

Loved the manuscript. I can't wait to read the finished product once its published!
